Case Statements and Objective Brochures
The following Campaign ASU 2020 materials are provided for reference only. These materials are not to be distributed in any capacity.
University Case Statement
The case statements are external-facing documents that we will share with our closest constituents to inform and inspire about your unit's vision and related campaign ambitions to realize that vision. We're providing everyone's here for your interest and use as a model for your own work.
Unit Case Statements
If you are including a case statement on your website, DO NOT link directly to these files. Please download the PDF and then upload it to your website for use.
University Initiatives
The prospectuses provide great resources for language that describes why we're in a campaign and how private support will further our accomplishments. These are internal documents meant to provide our foundation and executive teams with the blueprint for how focused private support will contribute to our university's vision. Even though these aren't for external distribution, language can be borrowed for all kinds of uses in communicating the campaign and our individual ambitions.