Enterprise Partners Logo Lockups

Logos Standards and Guides

ASU Enterprise Partners logos standards

The ASU Enterprise Partners logo standards amplify and strengthen the Enterprise Partners brand while respectfully aligning with the Arizona State University logo standards to express our relationship with the university.

For endorsed logos, ASU logo standards must be followed, including the usage, minimum reproduction, area of isolation and color standards. Detailed restrictions and requirements are found in the ASU Brand Guide and must be followed.

The development of logos, lockups and wordmarks is overseen by ASU Enterprise Partners Communications and Marketing in partnership with the ASU Enterprise Marketing Hub.

There are three tiers of logos available. The following pages detail the available logo options.

Overview of Use

Effective logo usage strengthens our communication and creates a visual relationship between the audience and our organization.

Endorsed logos are available for download from the ASU Brand Guide. Sub-unit and office lockups are available for download from the ASU EP Toolkit.

Use the original, high-quality graphic files provided and do not change them. Do not scan or recreate them. Do not create additional file types, like SVG for the logos as these are not approved.

Follow these rules when using the logo:

  • Brand-aligned use: Use of the logos indicates agreement to abide by the standards within this Brand Guide.
  • Prominent location: Place a logo in a prominent position on all electronic and print communication.
  • Area of isolation: Leave an appropriate amount of space, called the "area of isolation," around a logo, word mark or signature.
  • In use with partner logos: When our logo is used with the logo of another institution or company (for example, in a partnership announcement), our logo should appear to be the same size as that of the other logos and be placed on the publication in an equally prominent position.
  • Multiple units: Please note that when multiple ASU units are represented in a publication, the logo of the umbrella unit that represents all of them should be used. In some cases, a college or school is the umbrella under which the units may be represented. In cases that cross units or report through different branches of the university, the university logo should be used as the umbrella. References to individual units themselves should occur in text format only.

Tier 1 – Subsidiaries of Enterprise Partners

All subsidiaries use an ASU endorsed logo to express their relationship to the university. Endorsed logos are developed by the ASU Marketing Hub and require ASU EP CEO approval.

Requests for exceptions are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and must meet the following requirement:

A visual relationship with Arizona State University prohibits expression of the subsidiary’s work. If the subsidiary meets this exception, the logo must:

  1. include a graphic mark
  2. allude to ASU through font and color
  3. display the text lockup “Advancing the Arizona State University Knowledge Enterprise” or “Advancing the ASU Knowledge Enterprise” under the logo in Akzidenz Grotesk Standard, in an ASU gold highlight

Tier 2 – Sub-units of subsidiaries / Enterprise Partners

A sub-unit is a revenue raising, legal entity that is not a subsidiary. A sub-unit must be permanent with a significant public presence to qualify for a logo.

The sub-unit logo treatment uses an endorsed logo with a text lockup that furthers the relationship between the sub-unit and ASU Enterprise Partners or subsidiaries.

  1. A sub-unit will use an ASU endorsed logo with a text lockup that meets the following standards:
    1. The text sits under the logo, outside the area of isolation, in Akzidenz Grotesk Standard font.
    2. The text may appear in a gold highlight bar or with no highlight bar.
    3. The text is not a tag-line. It must clearly link the sub-unit to the parent subsidiary organization through use of the subsidiary name.
      1. For example: ASU Enterprise Partners, ASU Foundation, University Realty, ASU Research Collaboratory, ASU Research Enterprise
    4. The text must concisely explain the relationship to the parent organization.

Tier 3 – Offices of subsidiaries or Enterprise Partners

An office of a subsidiary or Enterprise Partners presents only the subsidiary or Enterprise Partners brand. Offices use a text treatment paired with the appropriate logo.

  1. Offices of a subsidiary: use the subsidiary logo with a text lockup in the same visual plane.
  2. A sub-unit of Enterprise Partners: use the Enterprise Partners logo with text lockup in the same visual plane.
  3. The following design standards apply to offices:
    1. Font is Akzidenz Grotesk Standard in medium weight. The name is separated from the logo with a 1 point line

See Enterprise Partners Logo Standards document for illustrated examples.

Women and Philanthropy

President's Club



University Realty

Skysong Innovations
